Wade Gutierrez, MD, PhD

Resident, Mayo Clinic Rochester

Mentor: Rebecca Dodd, PhD



Elucidating the Mechanism of a Novel Chemotherapy Regimen for Soft Tissue Sarcomas


  • 2018-2020 - T32 Pre-Doctoral Training Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences (HHS-NIH) NIH T32 GM067795
  • 2020 - HCCC Retreat winner for Clinical Trials & Cancer Outcomes:  Epigenetic Combination Therapy Improves Survival in Soft Tissue Sarcoma by a Novel Immune-independent Mechanism
  • 2020 - Midwest Tumor Microenvironment Meeting Young Investigator Award
  • 2016 - Sloan Scholar, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority PhD (MPHD) Program, Sloan Center for Exemplary Mentoring, University of Iowa



  1. Gutierrez WR, Scherer A, Rytlewski JD, Laverty EA, Sheehan AP, McGivney GR, et al. Augmenting chemotherapy with low-dose decitabine through an immune-independent mechanism. JCI insight. 2022;7(22). PMC9746804
  2. Gutierrez WR, Scherer A, McGivney GR, Brockman QR, Knepper-Adrian V, Laverty EA, et al. Divergent immune landscapes of primary and syngeneic Kras-driven mouse tumor models. Scientific reports. 2021;11(1):1098. PMC7806664 
Wade Gutierrez
BS, Kansas State University; MD and PhD, University of Iowa